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Henri Nouwen, in A SPIRITUALITY OF FUNDRAISING, wrote: “Those who need money and those who can give money meet on the common ground of God’s love. When this happens, we can indeed say with Paul, ‘There a new creation!’ Where there is a new creation in Christ, there the kingdom of God is made manifest in the world. Meadowvale Community Church believes that through such partnerships—with God and with each other—we can become a transforming presence.


As a granting congregation, we look for partners that align with our vision, mission, and values so that together we can bring justice, healing, and hope to the world. Since 2012, we’ve given grants and gifts to agencies and organizations locally and across Canada.



We believe God has called us to be a transforming presence in the world motivated by love for the Creator and for the other.



To encounter God in the ordinary and mundane, to seek social justice, to enfold people into loving and caring relationships, to engage our culture with Good News, to give out our gifts, abilities, qualities and opportunities so that others may flourish.

















These values help us determine what we do, how we do it, and with whom:


Kenotic Love: emptying power of domination and control on behalf of the oppressed Mutuality: love begins with giving and receiving and grows into a resource that can be shared Long Term: being committed to generational transformation we prioritize children

Justice: advocating for the poor, for the dignity & equality of every person, caring for the


Creation Hospitality: welcoming the stranger, freeing the prisoner, caring for the sick

Sustainable: giving toward financial independence

Innovative: participating in ventures that are creative, strategic, and organic

Collaborative: learning from others, pooling resources, and partnering with others

Relational: multiplying loving connections to strengthen and encourage good work


Meadowvale Community Church is a member of the Christian Reformed Church.  All are welcome to join us as we celebrate the outrageous love of God among us. 




2630 Inlake Court.

Mississauga. ON L5N 2A7

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