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 Please join us in person or online. 

On any given Sunday, the pastor and worship team leader will have coordinated the different aspects of worship--the call to worship, the time of confession, the songs, the text, and the benediction--into a glorious thematic whole. Or maybe not. But together, sometimes with an elder and a deacon, we come with our bits and pieces and entrust ourselves to each other and the Holy Spirit to put it all together.


On any given Sunday, a child will lead us through a picture they have drawn or how they have danced. On any given Sunday, the Spirit may give us an assignment and send us out to pray at a particular place in our neighbourhood where violence occurred or where a blessing is needed. On any given Sunday, we could be surrounded by visual art by local artists that add to the beauty and challenge our way of seeing the world and call us to change the way we think. On any given Sunday, we may sing a song heard on pop radio, or an old hymn, or a new song released by a Christian artist. On any given Sunday, we may be collecting underwear and socks for the local homeless shelters. On any given Sunday, we may be invited to sign a petition to send to the federal or provincial government around a matter of justice or equality. On any given Sunday, we may step into the gap and take the blame for racist comments in the city or for the Church itself that can be harsh and judgmental, irrelevant or extreme. 


But every Sunday, as followers of Jesus, we study the Bible through the lens of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Every Sunday we play and sing for an audience of one. Every Sunday our worship and faith-forming practices are inter-generational. Every Sunday we find grace in the good news that we belong to God--Father, Son, and Spirit. Every Sunday we are blessed to be a blessing in our schools, workplaces, businesses, homes, and communities.

Service begins at 10 am

Please contact the office if you'd like more information or for a link to the YouTube

 option of our Sunday gathering.  



Worship with Children

Our youngest children are invited to fully take part in our service.  If they get restless, there are stations at the back of the church that parents and children can enjoy.   There is a worship movement space that includes flags, rhythm instruments and streamers as well as a baby and toddler play centre with colourful quiet play toys. During the sermon the worship movement space will close and a creative arts centre with colouring, gluing or cutting and a play dough centre will begin.  

The congregation is encouraged to take the opportunity to listen to God through the children's cries, chatter and sounds.  

Kids of the Kingdom

Children are a deeply significant part of Meadowvale Church. Jesus welcomed children and taught that the Kingdom of God belonged to them. Thus, we have named our educational program for children: Kids of the Kingdom. Stories from the Bible (both Old and New Testament) are central to the curriculum. Volunteers are mentored into teaching and supportive roles that bring the stories to life through drama, conversation, crafts, and songs. Children learn how to pray and how to listen to God and to each other. Children, aged 5 to grade 5, are encouraged to participate in Sunday morning worship with their families and are released to Kids of the Kingdom mid-way through the service. Every precaution is taken to ensure that this is a safe place for all. All volunteers and leaders working with children have been vetted and must have a police record check before joining the team. We honour the work of God in our children and recognize that both our worship and learning is most effective when it is intergenerational.


Meadowvale Community Church is a member of the Christian Reformed Church.  All are welcome to join us as we celebrate the outrageous love of God among us. 




2630 Inlake Court.

Mississauga. ON L5N 2A7

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