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A Community At Home


Meadowvale Church is at home in this community of Mississauga. Others were here before us.  We honour the history of this place by recognizing that Meadowvale Church is located on the treaty lands and territories of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.  We are pleased to say that we value our friendship the Mississaugas and gladly partner with them as some of the First Peoples of this land. 


Forty years ago, as the Meadowvale neighbourhood itself was being developed and homes were being built, Meadowvale Church found a home here, too.  We built, and we stayed.  This is our home.  This our neighbourhood.  Place is important but church is not only a place, it’s a community.

To learn more about the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation follow this link.

Who We Are



We are human beings first of all. We are persons who are lovers of God, spiritual seekers, followers of Jesus. At Meadowvale Community Church, our identity comes from being connected relationally with God, with each other, with our communities, with this land. 


Since our primary identity is being human, we choose hospitality over exclusion; we choose humility over being right; we choose to walk together even when we disagree; we choose to live in God’s love and not in fear; we choose authenticity over pretense; we choose creativity and wonder over formulas. 






What We Believe

At Meadowvale, we believe there is a Circle of Life, a Great Dance of love shared by the Father, Son and Spirit in which we are all included. God shares his life with us--her insights and ideas, his joys and his concerns, her passion for justice and setting things right, his love and delight for all that he has made. We belong body and soul, in life and in death, to God.


We believe that all people are valued and embraced regardless of gender presentation

or identity, sexual orientation or identity, or marital status. Such value and embrace

offers full participation in the life, discipleship, and leadership of the church including

the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and enjoying the benefits of the

institution of marriage if that is one’s calling. This participation may include the roles in

leadership, worship, children or youth ministry, or staff positions based on an

individual’s qualifications, gifting, and spiritual maturity. In addition, this means that

those in the Community CRC of Meadowvale invested with the authority to do so may

officiate same-sex marriages.


We believe that Jesus, who has always been the Son of God, was born a human being yet did not cease to be God. He emptied power, once and for all, of manipulation, control, and domination by laying his life down completely in love—even loving his enemies. In his death on the cross, he took into himself all the brokenness, rebellion, shame, and sin of the world and transformed it by forgiving us.  We believe that the cross does not change God’s mind about us—he has always been for us and with us, but the cross changes our mind about God—nothing, not even our sin or death itself, can ever separate us from his love (Romans 8:38-39). While this is true for everyone, the love of God is not controlling or coercive. 


Part of a larger family

Meadowvale is part of The Christian Reformed Church which is a diverse family of congregations, assemblies, and ministries expressing the good news of God’s kingdom that transforms lives and communities worldwide.


A Home for a Diverse Community

It is not uncommon for people who come here, even if they are only renting the space, to say, “This feels like home.” From the artwork, done by our own and other local artisans, to the award-winning building design, from the beauty of the Lake Waybukayne Park alongside us, to the accessible front and rear entrances, we are a place that will welcome you. Hospitality is a hallmark of our participation in the community. 


Maybe you are new to the neighbourhood or are looking for a community of people who are exploring what it means to live justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God and who simply want to be a blessing to others. If so, we’d be happy to have you in this community.  St. John, an eye-witness to the life of Jesus, said, “God became flesh and blood and moved into our neighbourhood.” 


Our neighbourhood is such a marvelously diverse place. We are working to ensure that our church community reflects the neighourhood so when you come, you will see someone who looks like you!


At Home in the Community

Since 1978, Meadowvale Church has served in and with this community. We partner with many local community organizations for the common good. It has been our pleasure to share our space and work collaboratively with many others for the sake of the community: AA and NA groups, Region of Peel support programs, a neighbourhood tutoring centre, horticultural societies, regular food collection drives for Eden Food For Change food bank, the Dam Youth Drop In, March Break and Summer camps, St. Elizabeth Seton School activities, and annual community BBQs. We ourselves offer excellent, regular programs for boys, girls, and youth staffed by caring, skilled, self-giving individuals.


Care for the environment and natural beauty of this community is also important to us. We are founding members of the Friends of Lake Waybukayne Stewardship Committee and assisted in the construction and ongoing care of the Butterfly Garden, the Red Canoe project, and a bee hotel in support of pollinators.  We have partnered with the Credit Valley Conservation Authority to plant trees and other indigenous plant species and to provide educational opportunities around preservation and conservation of this natural habitat.

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