Pastor Daniel Zylstra
Dan loves Creator-Sustainer God—the Great 3-in-1 God who is love. Why? Because that God loves Dan, and that God loves all people, no matter what! Dan is blessed to be a husband, father, pastor and, hopefully, a friend. He enjoys reading—a LOT!—especially Sci-Fi and theology. He is passionate about loving people, even though he’s not always perfect at it. Dan has served as a pastor since 2008. Before that he taught Theatre, Media Arts, English and Computer Technologies at the secondary level. Prior to that Dan did a variety of things, including painting houses and performing comedy improv.
He is eager to get to know you! You can contact him through email or by phone.
905 826 5722

Pastor Samuel Cooper
After serving this congregation as pastor for 30 years, Meadowvale Church has gifted Sam to the city of Mississauga. We are sending Sam into the city on our behalf to listen to the needs of the city, to continue to develop relationships within the city, and particularly to facilitate opportunities for the city to grow in its love and care for the poor. This is a tangible sign of a deeper understanding and connection between those in the Church who know they are the People of God gifted to the world with those who are not yet necessarily conscious of it. This is a partnership within the one family of humanity the Apostle Paul describes (Acts 17:22).
Pastor Sam will be in the pulpit occasionally to update us on his work.
You can contact him through email or by phone.
905 826 5722

Ken Dryfhout
Ken is a son of Meadowvale Church and now serves as part of our teaching staff as well as mentoring youth and youth leaders.
Ken has spoken to thousands and thousands of youth, one on one, in small groups, and to auditoriums full of young people. Through these interactions he has discovered the rebellious and revolutionary power of love, friendship, and connection.
Once a month on a Sunday morning, Ken shares his passion for justice and challenges us to think critically about our faith, what "church" means and always, always, lands us in the love of the One who is in their very nature, love.
If you would like to speak with him contact the office for more information.
905 8265722

Cathy Edwards
Cathy, our church administrator, a native of Toronto, is an avid community gardener, concerned about food insecurity in our city, with an extraordinary gift of hospitality! Fortunately, she also has the gift of administration and a knack for numbers--she's also a bookkeeper. Before coming to Meadowvale, she had served administratively in a number of denominations. Like all our staff, she lives in the neighbourhood and serves with love for the benefit of all.
Cathy is in the office Tuesdays to Fridays from 9 am - 2 pm
905 826 5722

Juan Nunez
Juan, our custodian, proudly hails from Costa Rica. Juan cares for us and the church building inside and out. He serves gladly and with a joy rooted in a deep, trusting relationship with God. He and his wife Dayana live in Meadowvale with their three children Raphael, Angelita, and Joshua.